Meet Rene
Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community
Dear Residents of Pinellas County:
In 2020, I had the pleasure of campaigning to represent you as a the District 7 Pinellas County Commissioner. The race was a spirited one- allowing me the opportunity to hear from you about your concerns and your needs. I can assure you that we were in line with one another when housing rose to the top of the list followed by the economy, heath care initiatives, and transportation.
Elected to serve you with 67.35% of the vote (34.7% over my opponents), I have addressed areas of concern and need specifically within District 7 and county wide. Assuring that our first responders have the best training facility possible, I was able to secure $1,25 million dollars for St. Petersburg College to repair and replace equipment at the training facility. I was able to garner support for the county to share ERAP dollars of $18 million with the city of St. Petersburg. I fought to have ERAP dollars utilized for those residing in hotels/motels as a result of the aftermath of COVID. In addition, hosting the "Reclaiming the American Dream" was successful in sharing creative ideas to address construction, development, and financing of housing for those at 60%-80% AMI. Jordan Park will come on line with 61 units, Blue Sky Communities has added over 300 units and Habitat for Humanity continues to focus on the power of homeownership in Dansville, St. Petersburg, and several developments in West Pasco County. These are your Penny Dollars at work!
Serving on PSTA, there are over 60 electric buses coming on line along with introducing the Sun Runner , Electric Trolleys, and extending the financing of the Ferry running from St. Petersburg to McDill and Tampa add to public transportation options. The work is not complete. I will not rest until we have all the funding needed to construct the new "Woodson African American Museum". With your assistance, your support, and your VOTE, we can continue moving forward with the Progress made.
Commissioner Rene Flowers, District 7
Elegant Title